Please put in a submission so that the City of Rockingham can’t deny the public support for Cape Peron as an A Class reserve and Coastal Park and so it gets included in the 2019-2029 Community Plan.
The City of Rockingham’s Draft-Strategic-Community-Plan-(2019-2029) is open for comments till 4.30pm on Friday 31 August, 2018
We urge supporters who are Rockingham ratepayers/residents to flood the city with requests to include Cape Peron as an A Class reserve and Coastal Park
Suggest supporters include the following points:
The CoR’s Community’s Vision for the Future includes: “manage and use our land and marine environments in a manner that preserves them and recognises that the climate is changing.” This must include Cape Peron.
Aspiration 1 (Tourism) aims to “Promote the City as the premier metropolitan coastal tourism destination.” And, as such, must include Cape Peron as an A Class reserve and Coastal Park
Aspiration 2 is to “Grow and Nurture Community Connectedness and Wellbeing”. Preserving Cape Peron is essential to this aspiration
Aspiration 2 aims to “Facilitate comprehensive community engagement on issues facing the City, ensuring that residents can provide input into shaping our future.” The community has made its views clear and strong on wanting Cape Peron preserved as a coastal park – more so than on any other issue facing the City.
Aspriration 3 (Planning for Future Generations) includes:
- Plan and develop community, sport and recreation facilities which meet the current and future needs of the City’s growing population.
- Plan and control the use of land to meet the needs of the growing population, with consideration of future generations.
- Acknowledge and understand the impacts of climate change, and identify actions to mitigate and adapt to those impacts.
All of the above make the preservation of Cape Peron as an A Class reserve and Coastal Park essential.
A copy of the Draft-Strategic-Community-Plan-(2019-2029) is available at:
Share your thoughts
You are now invited to share your thoughts on the Draft Community Plan Vision, Community Aspirations and Strategic Objectives (2019-2029).
- online via Rock Port
- via email to customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au
- mail to: Chief Executive Officer, City of Rockingham, PO Box 2142, Rockingham DC 6967
The closing date for all comments is 4.30pm on Friday 31 August, 2018.
Any written submission received in response to this invitation may be placed on the public record and be available for inspection.
For further information contact the Manager Strategy and Corporate Communications on 9528 0333 or email customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au.