There are no petitions at the moment!

Part of the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park, Point Peron, is one of the most beautiful and environmentally fragile parts of the coast in the Perth region. But rather than protecting the area for future generations, the State Government has recently given approval to turn the area into a canal estate development and inland marina.

This is despite immense community opposition to this proposal, with over 10.000 petitioners and a record number of submissions against the proposal, and more letters in local papers than any other issue. This is also despite a 1964 agreement signed between the Prime Minister and Premier of the day to preserve Point Peron as a nature and public recreation reserve in perpetuity for the people of Western Australia to enjoy.

This project will have devastating impacts on the fragile ecology, groundwater and wetlands, and the coastal waters and marine life in Cockburn Sound. The area also provides habitat for 31 federally protected species including the extremely rare Lake Richmond Thrombolite community – which is one of the just two surviving thrombolite communities in WA.