Residents take local action on Pt Peron planning investigation flaws

Dawn Jecks speaking to Electors at City of Rockingham Annual Electors Meeting 18.12.19

The State government is conducting a planning investigation in relation to future tenure and use of the land of Pt Peron. However, after looking closely at the State government’s terms of reference for this planning investigation it became clear that there is serious problem – the planning investigation is to consider “residential opportunities’. This means it is considering the option of privatising some of the land at Pt Peron for housing. However HOPP has a solution to this problem.

Under the Local Government Act, all local councils are required to have an Annual Electors Meeting (AEM). An AEM is an Electors (ordinary residents) once a year opportunity to get an idea ‘on the table’ for Council consideration. If, at the AEM the majority of electors (residents) present at the meeting vote in favour of an idea (motion), then the motion is carried. The motion is then considered at the next ordinary monthly council meeting

At the City of Rockingham (COR) Annual Electors Meeting (AEM) held on 18.12.2019, around 50 HOPP supporters attended to support 2 motions being put up by Hands Off Point Peron (HOPP) Founder and Spokesperson Dawn Jecks. The aim of these 2 motions was to put forward our solution to the serious problem with the current planning investigation.

Two steps are immediately required:

  1. Make the bush forever at Pt Peron an A class reserve; and
  2. Confine the scope of the planning investigation to looking at tenure and development options that fall within the ambit of the original planning classification of Pt Peron – “open space – nature/passive recreation”. This would rule out housing.

Motion #1: That, COR make representation to the WA Government, early in the New Year, for the WA Government to make Bush Forever site 355 an A Class reserve as a matter of urgency, rather than awaiting the outcome of the planning investigation that is currently taking place for the Pt Peron area.

Motion #2: That, the COR make representations to the WA State Government for the scope of the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage’s Point Peron Planning Investigation to be confined to the consideration of land tenure and development options that fall within the ambit of the original classification of Point Peron – “open space – nature/passive recreation”.

Find out details and background to these 2 motions here

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