The WA Planning Commission (WAPC) results are in and a massive 87% have said NO to the proposed rezoning of our Point Peron public land for Mangles Bay Canal Marina (MBM) private housing development.
There were 496 written submissions to the WAPC with 430 opposed. And there were also 78 oral submissions to the WAPC Oral Hearings Committee with 75 opposed to the rezoning, which is a massive 96%.
The WAPC report was then submitted to McGowan Government Minister Saffioti on 10th October with their recommendations on the proposed rezoning of Point Peron public land for the Mangles Bay Marina. The rezoning proposal is still sitting on the desk of Planning Minister Rita Saffioti awaiting a decision.
Read more here https://thewest.com.au/news/sound-southern-telegraph/marina-decision-rests-with-minister-ng-b88642552z
Disturbingly however, upon reading the newspaper article above, we are concerned that the proponents of the MBM proposal might be trying to pull a shifty by suggesting that the project can somehow be tweaked to get rid of the so called ‘canals component’.
However, the whole development is one big canal with a couple of small fingers off it so the reality is if they remove the artificial canal waterway or ‘canal component’ there would be only housing left and no inland marina
Given that to date the Minister has still not released the WAPC recommendations, is this a sign that the WAPC has reservations itself on the rezoning?
In view of the overwhelming number of submissions to the WAPC and the Premier’s avowed opposition to canals, why is the Minister delaying her withdrawal of this MRS amendment proposal, pursuant to her powers under section 49 of the Planning and Development Act.
We believe that the Government has had enough time to ‘do the right thing’ after receiving the WAPC’s recommendations.
As a community we must stand firm and continue to stick up for common sense and reject any urbanization of our precious Point Peron public land.
We are hosting a public meeting at the Gary Holland Centre Rockingham on 17th January at 7pm.
Come and find out what is at stake and hear about the alternative Cape Peron Coastal Park Community Vision for the area.
You can download our public meeting advertising flyer here as a PDF flyer for printing and a JPEG version below for sharing on social media.
We are urging all supporters to help us advertise our 17th January public meeting by sharing our flyer with friends, family and networks.
It is our backyard we use it all and we need all to voice our need to protect it. It is our pristine and beautiful part of South Metropolitan Perth where people come to take their wedding photos and snorkel and just walk hand in hand. When we came to Australia over thirty years ago not for the first time, it was the spot on the top of the rock where is the view platform now from where we have shown our young children how beautiful is the land where we settled for good. The land that gave us the better future…LET US KEEP IT THAT BETTER FUTURE FOR EVERYONE:)
Another ecological disgrace to allow a few more developers to reap millions of dollars. All at the expense of the disappearing wildlife, flora and adding to the general continuing destruction of the habitat.
Please do not develop Peron or surrounds!
Hi Dawn,
I”m a property owner in Harrison st and have been watching closely the developments of the Mangels Bay Marina or Wanless Marina suggestion. Wanless st seems to be a better location. Why wont the planning Minister share her decision? Or hasn’t she made a decision?