The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) met on the 23.08.17 to consider the proposal to rezone public land at Point Peron to private urban zoning under MRS Amendment 1280/41 – Mangles Bay Marina.
HOPP founder Dawn Jecks attended this meeting and addressed the full committee of the WAPC on behalf of Hands Off Point Peron Inc (HOPP) and the 11000 plus supporters from across both the Rockingham region and wider WA. You can find out what Dawn said to the commission here
In the 15 minutes allocated she addressed some of the matters raised in HOPP’s 600 page 2015 written submission which contained a great deal of relevant information, analysis and expert opinion that demonstrated, overwhelming, why the Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1280/41 should be rejected.
In summary Dawn outlined why the proposed MRS Amendment, and the development proposal behind the amendment, are fundamentally at odds with sound planning principles and with the State’s own planning policies. She argued the case that any fair and diligent assessment would inevitably reach this same conclusion and emphasized that there is a high risk that the land will be used just for housing.